

Since the Internet has made writing a common phenomenon and T.V. channels acting, dance and singing in the form of realty shows, I have fe...

Saturday, March 19, 2016


A uncommon incident which can seen on a metro train platforms is that a slim person is trying to step out of train at the last moment and got its nose jabbed by the automatic doors. One such incident inspired this article.

Note: People who advocate a slender body must consider this serious or just ignore it.

In middle school we taught a story about freedom and rights. The moral 'was' ­ “your freedom ends where my nose begins.” Definitely writer was a biased person who could thought of slim ones only. What about the ones with a good/great belly! The mentioned phrase must have created a sensation in those bellies.

Thus considering the above incident and statement, two unknown benefits of belly are:

a) It often saves your nose.
b) It provides you more space for freedom

Other well known established/unestablished benefits of belly are:

a) your survival period/chances are better in case of calamities.
b) young kids (toddlers) love playing near/around it, thus you are popular among them.
c) nobody can easily suppress you while adjusting on a seat.
d) it discourages people to start a fight with you.
e) you are seldom asked to do 'risky' jobs like passing through a narrow passage, adventure climbing in household works, chasing somebody etc.

So in my opinion it is not bad to have a good/great belly if you are healthy with it. Have a nice belly!

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