

Since the Internet has made writing a common phenomenon and T.V. channels acting, dance and singing in the form of realty shows, I have fe...

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


“The Devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” -- William Shakespeare
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” -- Tacitus

For those who have tendency to believe in digital formats, it should be made clear that William Shakespeare and Tacitus did not favor of having no Scripture or Laws at all.

Although the 'Survival of the Fittest” theory of Charles Darwin has been discarded but according to me it also paved the path of concept that can be termed as “Struggle for the survival”.

There is another theory – Newton's First law of Motion – 'A body retains its state of rest or motion until an external force is applied on it'.

In general it is very hard to use the quotations and the theories together, but I have always found those in conjunction to keep hold of 'power' considering the quotation “You need power only if you want to do something bad, otherwise only love is sufficient to do anything”.

Don't forget to reckon the 'intentions' of the 'system' under investigation.